The Laurie Beechman Website
  Guestbook Volume 4
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I used to have an inner debate with myself. Am I in denial about my disease? Or am I just an optimist? I now believe I'm an optimist. Miracles can happen!

-Laurie Beechman, as quoted in TheaterWeek, 1995

Take your time browsing the 4 guestbook volumes which are filled with wonderful memories of Laurie Beechman and her work. Before you leave, please be sure to take a moment to sign and add your voice to this site.

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May 25, 2001 2:14 PM
Ryan Madigan from Buffalo, New York
Just wanted to say that I completed a very long research paper on ovarian cancer for school. A large part of it I talked about Laurie. Everyone was touched, and many now know about her and her legacy. She will continue to live on! What a wonderful person, and what a battle she faught. She is in a better place now.
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May 7, 2001 11:27 AM
Matthew Weeden from Oneonta, Ny
I had the opportunity to meet Laurie's husband Neil recently. He is an alumnus of SUNY Oneonta. His stories and advice I will cherish forever. Laurie wil be missed.
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April 27, 2001 6:36 AM
Liz Mancini from Phila PA USA
I feel honored to sign this guest book. No singer has ever touched me, heart and soul, as she does.
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April 18, 2001 9:21 AM
Udo Nottelmann from
A big hug to all Laurie Fans!
I simply am shocked! I must tell you that i am from Germany and here it is hard to get any news about Broadway stars.. I loved Laurie since i heard her sing teh role of the narrator in "Joseph". The last years my interest in her grew because i am a singer myself and a voice as grand as Lauries is of course very much inspiring. A few days ago i first visited this page and i discovered that she passed away.. I simply did not know! Her last album meant so much to me over the last three years because it inspired me so much. I visited New York in 1999 and bought the Andrew Lloyd Webber Album. I remember hoping i could see Laurie perform in a musical and now i found out that she was not there anymore at that time.. it is so sad... But the songs from her last album shall remain in my heart forever to encourage me as she wanted it.
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April 5, 2001 8:07 PM
Jack Grulke from Novi Mich USA
Still missing u -- any chance of some anthology on DVD?
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April 5, 2001 7:48 AM
Susan from New York
As the saying goes>>>>When someone you know dies, It gives an angel to heaven that you know by name. We miss you Laurie, please watch over us. Love Sue
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April 4, 2001 11:41 PM
Judy Goldenberg from Los Angeles,California
"Wishing you were somehow here again."Remembering Laurie and the magic of her music on her day and every day.
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April 4, 2001 4:44 AM
Susan from New York
Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday Dearest Laurie. Happy Birthday to You.>>>> Well it does not sound as good as you, But you are always on our minds. Happy Birthday in Heaven. With all of our Love, Sue Jack & the Girls.
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March 30, 2001 10:19 AM
Kathy from Phila.
I first heard Laurie sing and act in Les Mis during the Philly tour January 97. What an amazing voice! A few months later in March I took my 12year old son Seth to a benefit concert to hear Laurie sing once again. Seth thought Laurie was wonderful. I also wanted Seth to watch how she interacted with her audience how she captivated each and every one of us. A few months later Seth was given a part in the Media Theaters Production of Oliver. He has since been Acting and Singing and is now attending Phila. High School for the Creative and Performing Arts. I truly feel it was Laurie who inspired him with her sense of grace, style and stage presence, but most of all her extrordinary voice! We are truly sorry for her passing and again sorry for never having the opportunity to watch her perform in CATS. She is truly missed.
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March 27, 2001 8:04 PM
Ryan Madigan from Buffalo, New York 14220
I have been through so many hard times in my life, and just wanted to say thank you to Laurie, for her music helped me through a lot. What a sad three years it has been. As I do with all my favorite performers, I wait hopelessly for the release of their next CD. Unfortunately, we will never again have a "new release" from Laurie. I am just glad there are recordings of her for all to cherish. I am beginning a project on the life of Laurie beginning this year, so anyone that has any stories, memories or information that may be helpful, please e-mail me and I will be happy to talk!
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March 8, 2001 7:47 AM
Ina from Elkins Park, PA
It has been three years since we lost the bright and shining light that was Laurie. Yet, as evidenced by these heartfelt postings in the guestbook, Laurie lives on in our hearts, in our thoughts and in her music. I, for one, am saddened that I will no longer see Laurie perform in her inimitable way, but I rejoice and celebrate having known her! Laurie we still love you and always will!!!!!!
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March 8, 2001 12:46 AM
Sue & Jack from Elmsford NY
Well another year has gone by and it still hurts. Jack & I are hoping to make the trip to Philly that we promised you by your birthday. All of your friends are thinking about you, today more than ever. I can see your beauty in the sunset all of the time and you are forever in our hearts & minds. With Love on this Sad Day. Sue & Jack
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March 5, 2001 7:46 PM
Brad Loekle from NYC
You are with me always Laurie. Watching over me in auditions, seeing me through less than fulfilling jobs. Holding my hand and keeping me true to my path. I hold you even closer this week as we pass another solomn memorial. When I sing, as I will tomorrow for yet another set of auditions, I picture you and see you smile. You are my guardian angel on this path. And when I fear for the future and don't know when the next job will come... I feel you calm me and remind me that it will all work out somehow. I watch your concert at the Walnut all the time. It makes me so happy. You were an angel then and are one now... to so many. You are still with us. In so many ways... My love always and forever.
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February 26, 2001 3:37 PM
pierre maser from horsham,pa
bonjour madame
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February 23, 2001 2:17 PM
Jerry Diaz from Jersey City, NJ
I had the pleasure of meeting Laurie Beechman back in 1987-88 when she was performing in Cats. I was about 20 years old and had just begun working as a makeup artist. Having seen her a few years prior in her knockout performance in "Joseph" I was completely awestruck by the power of this woman's voice.

The minute she opened her mouth, every hair on my body stood up and I was a fan ever since.

Anyway, I wrote a letter to Laurie and left it backstage at the Wintergarden theatre. In the letter I told her of my new career and asked her if she would grant me the honor to do her makeup for a photo session. I explained that I could not affor to pay her, but that I would give her as many prints as she liked from the shoot.

A few days later I had a message on my answering machine from Laurie asking me to call her dressing room at the Wintergarden. Once I calmed down, I phoned. Laurie was so sweet and told me to go to meet her at the theatre the following day before the show so we could discuss my request further.

I excitedly went and Laurie was so warm and welcoming and agreed to do the session with me. We made arrangements and set a date. She then asked me if I had seen the show and I told her yes, about 5 times. She smiled and called downstairs to the box office and got me a ticket for that evenings performance.

We did the session which was a lot of fun and I brought the proofs to her a few days later backstage, but unfortunately- the photographer was an amature and the lighting wasn't great so neither of us could really use any of the shots. But Laurie told me to stop by and visit her anytime.

I brought my mom to see the show and took her backstage to meet Laurie and she was charming and warm as always.

Having been completely taken with Laurie's portrayal of Grizabella, I think I must have gone back no less than 15 times to see it. Of those times I think I stopped by Laurie's dressing room about 6 times and to this day she remains in my mind one of the most magnanomous and genuine people I have ever had the pleasure to meet.

I miss you Laurie!
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February 18, 2001 5:03 PM
Nicole Phillips from horsham/pa/usa
my French teacher,Mrs.Cohen, laurie's sister refered me to this site. Laurie seemed to be a wonderful actress and singer and I know she will never be forgoten.
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February 5, 2001 10:46 PM
deb iannuzzi from
I was taken back when I heard that Laurie had passed away. I remember Laurie from High School. When she walked in to a room her smile was the first thing you saw and heard.
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February 5, 2001 8:38 AM
Claudia Beechman from Elkins Park, Pa
Tonight is the Cabaret Kick-off at the Prince Music Theatre, "the theatre that sings". The evening is a tribute to you . I'm doing our duet with Tom and I know you'll hear us.
Love always,
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January 30, 2001 7:23 PM
Jana Olesky from Wallingford, VT
I never knew Laurie Beechman, but Cats had to be one of the best Broadway musicals ever made. She must have been proud of what she accomplished. I know I would have if I were her.
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January 16, 2001 1:12 PM
Kelly Briggs from N.Y.C.,N.Y.
Having performed with Laurie, I still recall many fond memories. I listen to her sing every day for inspiration. It Works!!!
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January 11, 2001 4:12 PM
Bobby Gerard from Austin, TX USA
About 15 years ago, I had the opportunity of meeting Laurie through a friend of mine, Rene Clemente while she was in the Cat's Co. on Broadway. She was the most wonderful person I had ever met. Her friendship was beyond words and the life in her was beyond comprehension. I will always remember her willingness to be there.
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December 29, 2000 4:36 PM
Burt Hirsch from Skokie,Il.
Hannukkah has ended and this year we lit one menorah in honor of Laurie.
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December 19, 2000 10:31 PM
Linda from St. Louis, MO
Laurie had such talent. She performed several times with Sam Harris and they even recorded a duet on her CD, No One is Alone. You might want to check out Sam's website at He has just released a new Christmas CD called On This Night and there are some free MP3s to download. Happy Holidays!
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November 29, 2000 4:24 AM
Sandy Dykes from Port St Lucie, Florida
It's been a very long time since I last saw Laurie and I was greatly saddened by her passing. I always thought there would be time enough to see her again and do some catching up. My mother died of cancer two months before Laurie lost her battle. I didn't find out about Laurie until some time later and I have been pondering what I could add to the guest book here. I suppose the only things I can offer are my memories. I have three distinct memories of Laurie and I think they say all you can say about a very wonderful person and how they lived.

My first memory still makes me grin a lot. It was 1975-76 at Al & Dicks on 54th street a couple of doors down from the Ziegfeld theater. Al & Dicks was a restaurant that had put up a plywood platform stage, a mic, and some lighting at the back of the restaurant. This was the time of the beginning of the showcase clubs that are now so numerous where a comic or singer could get a chance in front of a live audience. We were regulars there and Laurie was part of our "inner circle" of friends and performers. We always supported each other by being in the audience whenever we knew someone was performing. I remember that the waitresses would even feed us free because we were "starving artists". This one particular evening our crew was in place in the audience waiting for her set. The place was hopping and the tables were packed and noisy as food and drinks were being served. Laurie was up next and she usually sang a couple of songs. The MC introduced her and we all gave her a big round of applause. The first song was a ballad and it was soft and sweet but through it all you could hear this one woman in the back of the restaurant talking loudly, and she even made a few references to Laurie's voice. She finished the song and you could see that Laurie was a bit pissed at the woman for talking during her performance and the obvious heckling. I can still remember Laurie's face. A sideways glance (or glare) a little huff into the mic and she projected these words across the room "OK lady so you want to hear me belt one out? See if you can talk over this" And she let loose in that little room the voice we all know so well and I swear that whole room vibrated! Awesome is the only word that can describe that evening and I don't think I stopped grinning for at least an hour after that.


My second memory was something so ordinary that I'm always surprised that I even remember it at all. It was another of those late evenings when we would close the clubs and finally have to be on our way. Laurie had gone shopping earlier that day and had carted her groceries to the club. We (the crew) offered to help her carry them home as it was around 2:00am in the morning. With the usual craziness that seemed to envelop us all in those days we danced down the street with Laurie and her groceries in tow. But as everyone else ran ahead to play in the fountains at the end of 54th street Laurie and I walked quietly together for a while. I think it was the first time I really noticed how comfortable she was to be with. She always reminded me of an Elf with that charming smile and those mischievous eyes. I don't remember what we talked about but it didn't really matter because we shared a warmth that I can still remember to this day. Oh yea we did get her home safely that night.


My last memory of Laurie is the one that always puts a big smile on my face. We had gotten word that she was performing at a club uptown (I can't remember the name now) and we headed to the club to make sure and pack the house to support her as she was headlining. I was front row center with the rest of the crew and it was a really great crowd. When she got up on stage you could see she knew we were out there with all the applause and that big smile and even bigger voice that filled the room with magic. At the beginning of the second or third song she said she wanted to dedicate the next song to Sandy. Everyone was looking around trying to figure out who Sandy was and I'm sitting there with my mouth open catching flies. Who me? A couple of the people I was with were, to say the least. startled and tried to make me believe it wasn't me she was singing to but I had to only look in her eyes to see they were wrong. I can't remember the song she sang to me but I can still feel the moment and the glow she transferred to me that night. The song was a smile I learned to keep inside no matter what from a friend who could see inside me.
I was driving that night and with the crowd and friends pushing me to drive them to another club I didn't get a chance to talk to Laurie. Things changed and I didn't see her again. I moved on and away to Florida. That was the last time I saw Laurie. I would see her name in the paper from time to time. But I never knew about the success she had attained and in fact the first time I heard Memories I didn't even know it was Laurie, but there was this strange feeling I couldn't shake and those chills that run up and down your spine. It was that voice that sang to me that night so many years ago.


There should always be time enough to thank someone but that is not the way things work out sometimes. I know why she sang to me that night, memories, it's all we have in the end. It's what we live with and the only thing we can take with us. Thank you Laurie for the song you sang for me and for the memories I carry of you.
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November 21, 2000 10:42 PM
Alan Kane from New Hope, PA, USA
I never met or saw Laurie; I only know of her through her sister Claudia, and have witnessed the deep affection Claudia has for her sister.
I can only guess the sharing these two had but feel certain that the world is better for it.
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