The Laurie Beechman Website
  Guestbook Volume 3
  volume 1   |   volume 2   |   volume 3   |   volume 4

Lately, I find I'm using what is happening in my life and in the world. I read the newspapers a lot. Unfortunately, you don't have to reach that far to get to the despair in this world, and also to the hope that is always there, too. I kind of do the song now like a prayer.

-Laurie Beechman, about singing "Memory", as quoted in The New York Times, 1985

Take your time browsing the 4 guestbook volumes which are filled with wonderful memories of Laurie Beechman and her work. Before you leave, please be sure to take a moment to sign and add your voice to this site.

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Ryan - 08/11/00 17:36:59
location (city/state/country): Buffalo, New York USA

I am sitting here listening to Laurie's Andrew Llyod Webber CD. I still cannot believe that she is gone. I am preparing to make my move to NYC this week, and have always dreamed of meeting her. What a talent, what a voice. Her sister Claudia is such a wonderful person, thanks for all of your e-mails! will never be forgotten! You are an angel... We need more memorabilia of you!!!!!!!!!! Rest in peace, sweet Laurie. You are sadly missed. I hope you have e-mail up there and are enjoying all the fans you have had, still have, and will make by living on through your music and this wonderful website. Take care up there, hope to meet you someday!!!!! Ryan

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Holly Dillon - 08/02/00 16:04:22

My very first Broadway Show was Joseph. I had the priviledge to see Laurie Beechman perform! Laurie's engery was unbelieveable. There are no words to describe how profoundly she touched my spirit. Her voice was that of an angel. Her passion for life nd performing overwelmed and enlightened me. March 8, 1998 is one of the saddest days I will ever recall. I was always comforted in believing that "someday" I will have a chance to hear that angel sing again. Performers desire to touch other people souls, bring life to a saddened heart, or enlighten another to other beatufil aspects of life. Laurie Beechman has achieved such. May God continue to comfort her loved ones left behind. Someday we all will hear t at angel sing again, until then rejoice over all her many accomplishments.

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Donna Yasenchok - 07/31/00 20:55:23
location (city/state/country): Allentown PA USA

My mother went to see CATS when Laurie Beechman had the role of Grizabella. When I heard Laurie sing, "Memory", I, too, was in awe. I just purchased Laurie Beechman's, "No One Is Alone" album and just love it! In doing research, I was shocked and sadde ed to hear of Laurie's death. I soon learned that Laurie did so much to educate people of ovarian cancer and give freely of her gift of song--it's so inpiring! I am ever grateful to learn of this website. May you live on, Laurie! Thank You, Donna M. Yasenchok

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JohnB - 07/30/00 05:51:37
location (city/state/country): JC/NJ/USA

A once in a lifetime voice. I just get a pit in my stomach thinking about the void she left us with. A great void and a great legacy.

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Brad Loekle - 07/23/00 16:13:48
location (city/state/country): Philadelphia, PA

Dear Laurie, It is now less than a week before my one-man show premieres professionally.... a show that really began after I recieved your award and got to know your family. The tapes that your mother has given me of you have become my video bibles and I ook to them constantly for inspiration, hope, and support. Your spirit has meant so much to me these past two years. It has always saddened me deeply that we never met while you were here, but I guess this is how it was meant to be. To truly be a gaurdian angel... one has to be an angel!! Through your music, your voice, your spirit, and your family I have grown to know you. And hardly a day goes by when I don't think about you and all that you have done for me. Thank you...again. Love Always, Brad

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Merle Feeser - 07/14/00 17:55:11
location (city/state/country): Shermans Dale Pa.

For me Laurie was an annual event on stage at Mt. Gretna. It got so that she would recognize me in the front row and acknowledge me by saying "Hi Merle" or "It wouldn't be Gretna without Merle". Perhaps I was a bit overexcited by her presence and talent b t she was one hell of a lady and a performer. I miss her deeply...

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Robert E. Lee - 07/10/00 18:48:15
location (city/state/country): nyc,ny,usa

I would really, really be thrilled if I could obtain a copy of Laurie's album Laurie and the Sighs...does anyone know of where I could get a copy? I tried Footlight's website, but they only have her other recordings. Maybe I should go there myself (to t e store) and ask...right? Please...if anyone can get me a copy, I'd be really, really appreciative. I also am asking you, the webmaster of this page, for advice also. Please e-mail me back as soon as you can. THANK YOU. And Laurie, we all love you! T ank you so much, webmaster person, for giving us the opportunity to share our love for Laurie! --Robert

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Robert E. Lee - 07/10/00 14:38:40
location (city/state/country): nyc,ny,usa

I am really thrilled to see a website full of Laurie. If it were up to me, I would do everything I could to preserve the memory of Laurie and that way she would live on forever. In a way, I guess that's what we all do when we write about her, listen to er albums, read articles about her, or just think about her. Laurie Beechman really changed my life. Ever since I saw her in CATS in June 1992 (she was doing the 10 year anniversary engagement before she did the the Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber at Radio City), I was never the same. I read in the playbill that she was the original Narrator in Joseph, and that's when it all came back to me, where I had first heard her. I immediately went out and got that original cast recording (1982) on CD and just surrounded myself with Laurie every chance I could. I actually got to see her perform, let's see--CATS June 92, ALW thing at Radio City--September 92, Rainbow and Stars March 96, Rainbow and Stars (w/ Sam Harris) July 96, and finally her last run in CATS in July 97. 5 times. I kicked myself every time I issed a benefit or a cabaret stint. I remember I had gone to the Boston Conservatory in 94-95 and she was performing at the same time as my spring break (March 95) at Rainbow and Stars and the cover was like over $40 or something and my Aunt (she's like y mom) was outraged and couldn't afford it and neither could I, so I was really frustrated and angry since I couldn't see her! I'm wondering if there's any like bootleg Laurie recordings out there of stuff she used to sing. I think they should gather it all up and use the money to benefit Gilda's Club or GMHC or some great cause like that. I was thrilled when, out of nowhere, s e sang "There Won't Be Trumpets" from "Anyone Can Whistle" at the show in 96 at Rainbow and Stars and wanted to hear more of that kind of stuff. Anyway, I could go on forever talking about Laurie and my spiritual connection with her! One thing I'll tell you folks, though! I let my friend who's in school with me listen to Laurie for the first time, knowing that anyone who listens and enjoys music will go wild over her, and he really thought she was quite something. He immediately wanted a copy of the recordings! This is one way I really think we can keep Laurie's memory going--introduce people to her voice. They will forever be touched in one way or another by her! She is and will always be in my heart. I hope she'll be in yours too, whoever it is who reads th s.

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Ron Whitson - 07/09/00 00:12:37
location (city/state/country): Olympia, Wa. USA

A very great loss!!

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Eva D - 07/07/00 18:18:43
location (city/state/country): EHT NJ USA

I did not know until today of Laurie's passing. I only knew that she was ill. I was lucky enough to see her twice. Once in "Joseph", and once in a solo concert at the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia PA. I was amazed that such a big voice came out of such a small person! She was truly talented. I have two of her CD's and listen to them often. I wish that she could have lived to enjoy her talent and the undoubted success she would have continued to achieve.

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Ryan Madigan - 07/05/00 20:13:49
location (city/state/country): Buffalo, New York 14222

I also wanted to ask if anyone has any video's for sale of Laurie. I would love and cherish then for life.... Thanks!

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Ryan Madigan - 07/05/00 20:03:03
location (city/state/country): Buffalo, New York 14222

Laurie Beechman has been such an inspiration to my life. For years her music helped me through so much. I was very, very sad to hear that she had passed away. I had been searching for her CD The Andrew Llyod Webber Album since I had lost it two years ago. I finally found it after several weeks of waiting for it on special order. I decided to log on line to see how she was doing. (I knew she had cancer) It was a devestating blow to me that nignt. I am moving to NYC this month and had always dreamed of meeti g her. She continues to be a major part of my life, and from what I understand...was a truly beautiful sister inside and out. I will miss her, and especially miss not having anymore of her music to come. rest in peace, Laurie!! Ryan M. Madigan

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Delia - 06/23/00 19:34:09

Laurie I just wanted you to know I got married It was truly wonderful & I have to tell You I was a beautiful Bride. Your Pressence was greatly missed (cuz you know there just isn't anyonelike you). Your allways in my heart as well as my prayers

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Gary Toller - 06/19/00 04:01:32
location (city/state/country): Las Vegas, NV


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J. S. - 06/18/00 03:55:18
location (city/state/country): Texas

I had the privilege of seeing Ms. Beechman perform as Grizzabella in 1986 on Broadway. I was 18 at the time. Even then I recognized her incredible talent! I was lucky enough to catch her outside the theater and get her autograph. She was wonderful!

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M. H. Bergman - 06/15/00 17:02:39
location (city/state/country): MICH. US

A novel is mirror that strolls along a highway.How it reflects the blue of the skies.How the mud puddles underfoot. c/r1996(:-...IMS LameDog1

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T L Kolman - 06/03/00 03:56:02
location (city/state/country): Los Angeles/CA/USA

Laurie and I attended the same high school together - though she graduated 10 years prior to me! :-) As a young actor myself, I wrote a letter to Laurie, who was just preparing for her opening off-broadway in Joseph. I asked her what advice she could g ve to a fellow actor from Haddon Twp High School. I didn't really expect an answer - since she didn't know me from Adam. But shortly after I sent the letter, Laurie indeed replied. Sending me a four page hand written letter about the do's and don'ts of acheiving your theatricala goals. Her words were so heartfelt. I finally met her for the first time the week before the Tony Awards. I was in town to see the competition "Dreamgirls" across the street from "Joseph", but I wrote to her and told her that I would stop by and introduce myself. That meeting changed my li e. We talked for about a half hour before she had to get ready for her matinee. She told me to stop by her box office when Dreamgirls was over. We did and she had left two tickets - 8th row center for me for that night's performance!! And for the firs time, I saw Laurie take command of the stage. Her voice...her presence...all seemed heaven sent. Afterwards I went back stage to congratulate her and to thank her for the seats. She was more concerned about how we liked Dreamgirls and did we think tha her co-star in Joseph (Bill Hutton) had a shot at winning his catergory - she put him before herself. From that day forward, I found a friend in Laurie Beechman. Over the next decade I would visit her when I was in town. Laurie had an energy that was so contagious. She made you feel better about yourself and everything around you. She always had time f r you - no matter where she was or how she was feeling. I never once heard her complain or say anything negative about anybody. Her positive energy was contagious! I told her this many times, and I never get tired of saying it - Laurie Beechman is my inspiration. Last fall I was starring in a production of Love! Valour! Compassion! in Los Angeles - my first stage appearance in almost seven years. I was a nervous w eck and worried that maybe I was not ready to do this work again. On opening night, I took a nap in the afternoon, and I had a dream - or maybe it was a visit, I don't know - in which Laurie came to me. She looked me straight in the eye, said "You are g ing to be fine" and then gave me a big hug and smiled. Then I woke up. If it was only a dream, it is a dream that gave me the courage and the hope to get back on the stage and do what I was born to do - to entertain others by acting and singing. I listen to all her CD's today - I even have her LP for "Laurie and the Sighs" that I bought in the early 80's - and her music lives on - and her life will continue to inspire. I know she has made a huge impact in my life. And touched so many people. O e last note: this past Christmas I went to see a production of Les Miz in Los Angeles and afterwards I ran into the actress playing Fontaine. I told her how much I enjoyed the performance and that the last time I had seen Les Miz was in NY when my frien Laurie Beechman was Fontaine. The actress started to get a tear in her eye, gave me a hug, and told me that she had worked with Laurie in a benefit performance and that she was so touched by Laurie. See, I told you...Laurie has touched the lives of everyone that was fortunate enough to be in her cross roads. T L Kolman Los Angeles

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Robby "Hoops" - 05/31/00 06:10:41
location (city/state/country): yonkers, NY

An amazing page for the greatest female performer ever. We all miss her dearly.

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Kathy - 05/24/00 16:03:20
location (city/state/country): Campbell, CA

There is a wonderful video on the life and career of Nancy LaMott called "Beautiful Baby" - filled with favorite memories of the people closest to her. As one of Laurie's devoted fans, I'm hoping that a similar tribute to her will someday be done. If an one knows if such a project is in the works, please let us know!

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Brad Loekle - 05/14/00 15:48:35
location (city/state/country): Philadelphia, PA

Dear Laurie, I recieved two wonderful tapes of your performing live from your mother this week. She thought I would like them and sent them to me as a graduation present. It is wild to think that it was a year ago that I was first introduced to your famil through the award in your honor at U Arts. Now, having had the chance to watch the videos, I feel as if I knew you. I can see so much of you in your mother and Claudia and Jane. Your work and your spirit are a constant source of strength and inspiration or me. I feel blessed having been given the friendship and love of your family and the honor of an award with your name on it. As I now go into graduation week, and prepare to move back to NY and pound the pavement, I feel better knowing that your spirit nd the friendships I have found in your family will be with me each day. My everlasting love and respect, now and forever, Brad

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Ponine Maguire - 05/13/00 11:15:07

What a great site! I can tell you really appreciate Laurie and her huge contribution to the Broadway world! So sorry to hear that she died...I know she will still live on in the hearts of her fan like you, though! As I said before, you're doing great o this site! Keep it up! :)

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Howard Glickman - 04/28/00 19:52:10
location (city/state/country): New York City

I saw Laurie in "Joseph" when I was about 13 years old and fell in love with her. She will always be my definition of what a Broadway voice should be. I wish I had taken the opportunity to see and hear one of her caberet perfomances.

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Christina Lara - 04/16/00 21:17:54
location (city/state/country): New York

I miss Laurie but I will always remember her

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Robert M. Solomon - 04/10/00 01:57:06
My Email:Mosbyraid@AOL.COM
location (city/state/country): Brooklyn/New York

I first heard Laurie sing on the recording of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and immediately fell in love with her! Not only was her voice beyond anything that words can describe, but every trill and harmony that ent through my mind as I l stened, she actually sang. I mentioned her name to my cousin and was astounded to learn that her sister in law and Laurie were actually friends! I was so captured by her performance that one Friday evening I saw a notice in the paper that Laurie was per orming in a Manhattan night club that weekend. Well, Saturday night I drove to Manhattan only to find that the only seat in the club avaialable was a bar stool! I never hesitated and grabbed that seat. Laurie's performance that night fell on the week en of her nephew's bar-mitzvah, and her nephew was in the audience. She teased him good naturedly about his performing the rituals of the bar-mitzvah and then said "Now you know what it feels like to be on stage". After the show ended, I was privileged to get back stage for a moment to send regards to Laurie from my cousin's sister-in-law. Laurie was sitting in her dressing room with her mother, and her eyes lit up as I gave her the message, and incidentally told her that I was absolutely enraptured by he singing. She was so very friendly, unpretentious and gracious a person you will ever meet. Just the other night I watched a performance of Joseph on tv and was mentioning to a colleague about how I wished the show would have had Laurie performing her ro e of the Narrator. I was stunned to learn of her passing, and tears came to my eyes. There is an ache in my heart that will not go away. A most gracious, talented lady has been lost and no one can stand in her place. I will always remember that most w nderful voice, the warmth and friendliness she showed me that evening back stage, and I pray that she is with the angels singing ever so beautifully in perpetuity. May her memory be a blessing for us all.

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Kathy - 04/05/00 03:45:46
location (city/state/country): San Jose, CA

Thinking of Laurie today, and listening to her beautiful voice, as always. May her family be comforted by the love that continues to bring so many of us to this site . . .

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Claudia Beechman Cohen - 04/05/00 01:16:46
location (city/state/country): Elkins Park, Pa

Laur, Well, it sure felt strange writing today's date in French on the board in my classroom: le mardi, 4 avril. Then looking at birthday cards for Mother and Steve and Uncle Jay (all those April birthdays!) and spotting the ones that say "Sister". And reading Ginny Moon's description of you as " the sweet little pixie with the big brown eyes and booming voice" and Jim Smith's description of you admonishing him for his wimpy handshake! And the fact that you made him PRACTICE a firm handshake... it was so typical! Well, if Jane isn't sure how old she is, then how old does that make me? Who cares? Thinking of you and missing you every day........ Your "Claud"

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Jim Smith - 04/04/00 19:59:04
location (city/state/country): New York, NY

I've never signed this book before, but I look through it often. I can't help but think of Laurie and her family today. Actually, I think of Laurie every day. There are reminders all over my apartment. I was lucky enough to work with Laurie's mom as a young actor, and then very fortunate to meet Laurie and work as her assistant. She taught me many things, and this will sound silly, but I think none has served me better than this: She took me to a meetin once with her press agent and a director she was going to work with. I was very shy and hardly looked at anybody. When we got outside, she chastised me but good. "Jim, when you meet somebody for the first time, you can't be like that. You have to look them in the eye, and offer out a firm hand for a good solid hand shake." And then she made me do it! I saw her perform many times, of course, but I like to think of her laugh, and her wild sense of humor, which I have no doubt was passed on directly from mother to daughter. I don't think it's so far fetched to say that if she hadn't been a singer, a career in stand-up comedy would have been a possibility. Jane, Claudia, Dolly, Nate...I miss seeing you all at Laurie's shows. I know how much she valued you all--she talked about you all the time. I hope our paths will cross again at some point. God bless you all.

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jane beechman segal - 04/04/00 18:38:20
location (city/state/country): melrose park, pa

Hey Laur- if you're "40" again today, how old am I??? I was thinking today of those candy decorated cakes Mother used to create for us. Did we ever really eat those licorice things? Sending you infinite love, everyday. Your "little" seester, Janie Poo .

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Sue & Jack Celona - 04/04/00 07:07:05
location (city/state/country): Greenburgh, NY


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Brad Loekle - 04/04/00 04:25:01
location (city/state/country): Philadelphia, PA

Dear Laurie, this past week I attended the awards luncheon @ U Arts, where Iwas honored to be back as the 1st recipient of the memorial awrd in your name. The effect that this award and your spirit have had on me has been greater than I could ever have imagined. Having now known your mother and sisters for a year now, I can only imagine the wonderful person you were. Your family has been so loving and supportive of all my work and that has meant the world to me. Everytime I feel down about my work or how auditions are going... I think of you... I listen to your voice... I feel your presence watching over me.... and I know that I am doing the work I should be... and that I can go on. Thank you so much for all that you and your family have given to me. Love always, Brad

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Ginny Moon Mitchell - 04/04/00 02:26:28
location (city/state/country): Florida

I was devastated when I heard about Laurie. She was so special and will be sadly missed by all who had the privilege to know her. I knew, and remember Laurie as a little girl growing up in Westmont, New Jersey....the sweet little pixie with the big brown eyes and booming voice! There was never any doubt that she would claim Broadway for her very own. Such a rare talent! Laurie's mother, Dolly, was and is a very dear friend of mine and her daughters were all very special to me. To say I'm sorry seems just too inadequate so ....Dolly......Claudia......Jane, if you see this, please know that you have all been in my thoughts and prayers the past two years as you cope with the loss of your dear daughter and sister. I know that Laurie will live on in "mem ry in the hearts of those who love her. Happy Birthday Laurie Ginny Moon Mitchell Ginny Moon Mitchell

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Judy and Stephen Goldenberg - 04/04/00 00:20:14
location (city/state/country): Los Angeles, Ca.

To Laurie on April Fourth
In remembering your birthday,
I know this to be true.
The gift that was given
Was the gift that was you.

Remembering Laurie Hope Beechman today and every day, for the joy she continues to share.

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Joe Michaels - 04/03/00 01:26:28
location (city/state/country): New York

I had the pleasure of working with Laurie when she appeared on the Today Show. As the director of the show, I have always had her voice and her wonderful personality on my mind. She was just wonderful and touched us all...

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Christopher Sperat - 04/01/00 05:07:03
location (city/state/country): Pottstown, PA

I did not know Laurie personally, but I have been a fan of her's for years. I had the distinct privilege of seeing her in concert at the Keswick Theatre in Glenside and at the Hershey Theatre. These were both within the last couple years of her life. Never, and I mean, NEVER, have nor will there ever be a more genuinely or uniquely talented woman. I feel so honored to have been blessed with the wonderful memories of those two evenings. I remember getting chills at her voice and rolling in the aisles a she delivered one liners and humorous stories with her distinct panache. The audience roared with laughter when she told the story of the lumpy sofa bed she would have to sleep on at her mother's that nite. What a warm, amazing, personable, gentle and ltimately special woman. She is missed a great deal. The world of musical theatre survived a crushing blow the day Laurie Beechman was taken from it. She was one of a kind. She will never be replaced. And thanks to the huge legion of fans and those she inspired, she will never, ever be forgotten.

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Steve Whitford - 03/22/00 22:41:51
location (city/state/country): Monroe,Mi., U.S.A

My NY musician friends who worked with Laurie only had wonderful things to say about her. I knew her only from cds and I admired her singing very much. She not only had a wonderful instrument but, she made you believe what she was singing.

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A. J. Teshin - 03/15/00 05:21:14
location (city/state/country): Los Angeles

Hey Laurie--if you can read this--Right now I am listening to you sing Memory from Cats, very loudly. It is peeling off some of my wallpaper, but I wouldnt' have it any other way. It sounds glorious. Your recordings helped me learn about the important things to consider when delivering a song--guts, heart and soul. Seeing you perform and meeting you afterwards many years ago in MYC was very inspiring to me. Your gifts have improved my artistry and life in ways too numerous to mention. I miss you

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nancy juczak - 03/11/00 23:55:59

to whom it may concern, i remember laurie in cats and a bunch of us saw it in 97 i think, and as you see i have used grizabella13 for my screename, i can't believe she is gone and i really loved her in cats,i felt so bad when i heard she was gone but not n our hearts, she will always be remembered and i am keeping her website in my fav places, thank you very much nancy juczak

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Ina - 03/09/00 18:42:54
location (city/state/country): Elkins Park, PA

I cannot believe that it has been 2 years since Laurie's passing. My heart goes out to her family and friends who still miss her as I do. Everytime I hear another person singing "Everybody Says Don't" I think of the unique and lovely way Laurie had of se ling that song. When I hear "You'll Never Walk Alone" I remember the exciting Second Inaugural when Laurie sang that song and introduced President Clinton. there are sao many poignant memories I have of Laurie and she will forever be in my heart. I miss y u will always be remembered!

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Tammy - 03/09/00 06:36:04
My Email:TheGoochie
location (city/state/country): Valencia, Ca

Just wanted Laurie's family to know I thought of you today and pray you have found some peace..Laurie is without a doubt the most beautiful voice I will ever hear..

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Claudia Beechman - 03/08/00 23:45:58
location (city/state/country): Elkins Park, Pa.

Laur, We all miss you so much, dear sister. I love you. Claudia

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D.J.B. - 03/08/00 21:29:06
location (city/state/country): Boston, Ma.

My dear sweet girl,I miss you every day. I'll love you always. D.J.B.

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susan - 03/08/00 10:14:55
location (city/state/country): westchester, NY

March 8th is such a sad day...... Always thinking about you Laurie. You are always in our hearts. Wish you were hear.... We miss you alot. Keep watching over us. We Love You Always. Sue & Jack

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Tija Ore - 03/02/00 22:22:58
location (city/state/country): Harleysville, PA

My mom went to high school with Laurie and we had the chance to meet her backstage when she was in Les Mis in Philadelphia a few years back. She was extremely kind and my mom loved her deeply!

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Kelly Haggerty - 02/26/00 02:24:37
location (city/state/country): Penn.

I really don't know laurie but her sister is a very alsome french teacher at K.V. The other day i came in with Mrs. Beechman and watched her sister sign when she was on a show and it made me cry. I would loved to hear more songs but unfortantly i can't nless her sister shows them to me. Love you always laurie and best wishes to Mrs. Cohen.

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Tammy - 02/17/00 06:26:20
location (city/state/country): Ca.

I'm a huge Laurie Beechman fan..Does anyone have her, out of print CD, "Listen To My Heart"? I would be willing to pay top dollar for it..

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Bob McCormick - 01/17/00 08:55:42
location (city/state/country): philadelphia/pa/usa

This is a beautiful memorial site to a truly beautiful woman. i found out about her passing due to this and now i feel like i lost a {distant} friend. Laurie was a very talented woman, and i will miss her.

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Pat Sternberg - 01/14/00 23:08:54

She was a joy to know and an inspiration to watch as her career and her life blossomed as a rare and beautiful flower does.

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Donna - 12/24/99 04:01:45
location (city/state/country): los Angeles

Thanks for the tribute to a wonderful performer. Your site is really good.

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Michael La Fleur - 11/20/99 12:10:42
location (city/state/country): Las Vegas

I will never forget the night that I heard this amazing voice...she was singing "Memory". I cried...something I had never done in the theatre before. She touched my soul. She was magical...thrilling...unforgettable. And now she thrills the angels. Thank you, Laurie...thank

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Melisa Klausner - 11/18/99 21:25:35
location (city/state/country): NYC, NY

Thank you for your wonderful tribute to an amazing musical theatre talent who is truly missed. I will never forget seeing her in Joseph and being lucky enough to also see her in Les Mis. Thank you again.

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pam - 11/17/99 19:10:29
location (city/state/country): saugus mass

gosh didnt evern realize she passed away was she sick long? nice web site

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jane beechman segal - 11/12/99 02:40:49
location (city/state/country): melrose park, pa

The Laurie Beechman Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Universitity of the Arts in Philadelphia was established last year by our mother, Dolly Beechman Schnall, to honor our sister's musical artistry. We are completely overwhelmed by the degree of affection and immense support of those who have been touched by Laurie artistically and personally. We, her family, feel so blessed not only for her life and music, but because she has been so loved by all of you. Heartfelt thanks to all of you who made last night s tribute to our magnificent Laurie, such a magnificent evening in the theatre. Keep listening.

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Charles - 11/11/99 23:21:40
location (city/state/country): San Francisco, CA, USA

I first discovered Laurie on my "Joseph" cd and fell in love with her at that time. "No One Is Alone" remains one of my favorite cds of all time.

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Ron - 11/09/99 05:20:28
location (city/state/country): New Mexico

When ever I am stressed or worried Laurie's voice always provides a soothing respite - like a vocal relaxation spa. I have learned never to travel without my Laurie CD's. She will always be one of God's little gifts!

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Joe guglielmo - 11/08/99 21:59:01
location (city/state/country): Boston, Ma

What a talent what a heart!

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Jeff Wahl - 11/08/99 04:24:46
location (city/state/country): Cleveland, Ohio

I had the privilege of seeing Laurie in Joseph on Broadway when I was a child. I still remember that wonderful performance. A few weeks ago, my wife and I took our 4 1/2 year old twins to see a bus-and-truck production of Joseph in town. We were awestruck by their reaction to the show I have known for 20+ years. But, it wasn't the same without Laurie. . . . The lights on B'way are dark more than just Mondays without her voice and her drive.

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Brad Loekle - 11/05/99 01:53:39
location (city/state/country): Philadelphia/ PA

I was thinking about Laurie a lot today. As I went to pick up my suit for the benefit next week to help fund the award in her name at U Arts (for which I was the 1st recipient last year), I couldn't get her off my mind. I listen to her voice often and it ften brings me to tears... even now, the 1000 time hearing it. I feel so honored to be named in the same league as she, and yet wish there wasn't an award at all. For I would rather have had the chance to know her than be honored with her memory. Laurie, ou are a continual source of inspiration... and your mother is a gem!!! :-) Love always, Brad

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Allison Yoser - 10/28/99 22:35:02
location (city/state/country): Somerset/NJ/USA

Laurie inspired us all in my family. My sisters and I all own her cds and we listen to her beautiful voice time and time again. It means so much to us to keep her spirit alive. Words can't express how she moved us all and how much she meant to us. She was my mother's first cousin. She was there to share in the joyous family occasions through her busy schedule. She always made the time for our family, the least we could do was to honor her, for her music, for her spirit, and for most of all, just for eing Laurie. We miss her dearly, and we love her.

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Edward Trafton - 10/08/99 18:49:04
location (city/state/country): Sacramento, CA

I hope that her recordings will give future listeners the same pleasure and joy they're given me. She will be very missed.

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Kelly Leigh Crutcher - 10/05/99 01:18:22
location (city/state/country): Indian Harbour Beach, FL, USA

I didn't know about Mrs. Beechman's death until tonight. I was surfing around on the net looking for pictures of Grizabella and I came upon a site saying that she had died. I'm saddened by her passing and sorry that I never got a chance to meet her. Many people "understood what happiness was" because of her; she may be gone from this world but her "Memory" will always live on in our hearts.

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Jon Hess - 10/03/99 02:51:09
location (city/state/country): Hatboro, PA, USA

I am in her sister, Madame Cohen's French Class. Laurie sounds like she was an incredible person!

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Sue - 10/02/99 19:32:51
location (city/state/country): New York

Just wanted to take a minute to remeber Laurie. I love reading the guestbook and hearing all of the great stories about her. She was and is a great strength for all of us. Don't ever forget her. I think of her daily and everywhere I look in my house I se one of her pictures. She lives on in me and my family NOW & FOREVER. Thanks Laurie for the memories. Love Always Sue

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Barddiva - 09/24/99 03:09:38
location (city/state/country): St, Petersburg, FL USA

In 1986, When I was 18, I was given tickets for CATS from my parents and spent my first day alone in NYC. After the show, I (very nervously) ent to the stage door, and there was Ms. Beechman, looking exhausted, but smiling and signing autographs. As she s gned my playbill, I commented on her weary appearance and that I always feel drained after a show. She confessed that she was coming down with the flu and was really starting to feel it. Without even thinking, I put the back of my hand on her forehead and remarked "you feel warm - some tea and a good book should help." I must have sounded 100 years old! She rewarded me with the kindest smile and said I was absolutely right! Then we talked theatre for awhile and I confessed my dreams of acting for the first time to anyone. She told me not to stop dreaming and to always be strong and she said that if I loved to act, I always would. Circumstances lead me from New York, but not from the stage. I have always counted Laurie Beechman among my greatest inspirations and I smile to her each show - I just picture her out there in the back row listening to me and giving me courage. Just wanted to share that story.

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Howard Held - 09/23/99 17:22:10
location (city/state/country): Mpls.MN

From the orig.Joseph on her career and voice were wonderful and are missed

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Gretchen Funk - 09/11/99 02:42:15
location (city/state/country): Manheim, PA, USA

Even though I'm only thirteen, I listen to Laurie every chance I get. Her voice was just so beautiful. I only hope that some day I'll be as good as she was, which is almost impossible because she's still the best in my eyes.

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Chris - 08/12/99 15:14:30

When I was in about second grade, my parents took me to see Laurie Beechman in concert at the Mt. Gretna Playhouse and at the Hershey Theatre. I attended almost all of her concerts in the area. She had one of the best voices I had ever heard, and it is on that we will never forget. I was never able to see her perform in an actual broadway production, but I have heard that she was great. Everyone who ever saw her sing misses her and her annual visit to our community.

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Erin Allen - 08/05/99 01:51:11
location (city/state/country): Lake Charles, Louisiana

I didn't really know her, but I've seen her in the Cats Broadway Play in New York in 1997 and she was awesome. Thanks for creating this in rememberance of her.

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Jodi - 08/01/99 05:25:04
location (city/state/country): Connecticut, USA

I'm sitting here in tears, angry at my ignorance. I didn't know, until now, that Laurie had passed away. My parents and I saw a local production of Les Mis yesterday and were talking excitedly about how wonderful the voices of the actors were. My fath r then commented that he'd still never heard anyone that was as good as "the woman in Joseph." We then struggled to remember her name, and I told my parents I would check out the internet, to find out why she hasn't done anything in so long. I had heard that she was ill, but that was all. I'm truly heartsick. We saw her in Joseph the week before it moved from Off-Broadway to Broadway, and were blown away by her incredible performance. Laurie, you were wonderful. God bless.

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David Malpass - 07/23/99 23:56:26
My Email:DjMalpass
location (city/state/country): Cheltenham,PA.USA

Having grown-up in the Philadelphia area,Ive followed Lauries career. It was great to see her in "Annie", "Les Miserables" both on Broadway and the National touring Co. in their stop in Philly. I was also priveledged to have had the opportunity to hear he concert in Elkins Park,PA. I Also own her 4 recordings and will continue to listen and enjoy for many years.

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John Conti - 07/22/99 07:55:59
location (city/state/country): Columbus, Ohio

Tonight, I just learned the tragic news. I heard they were making a video version of Joseph and... and so I checked really usefulls site to see if maybe Laurie would be playing the narrator. I saw her play it 5 times on Broadway. The 1st time was such a special memory for me. I took a friend to NYC and he'd never seen a Broadway show before. When I went to buy tix someone had just turned in 2 front row center seats what luck. As laurie came out for prologue and began to sing a chi l went up my spine then as she sang "and he could be you" she made eye contact and gestured at me and my friend! and the tears streamed down my cheeck. I have always wanted to see her in something else, but for me she will always be THE Narrator. I am ver saddened to learn of her passing, she was a precious gift. I'm not exactly religious but if there is singing in heaven, she is certainly there in a leading role!

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Jack Molnar - 07/17/99 18:24:03
location (city/state/country): Bel Air, MD 21015

I find others on the internet that know and love Laurie. Her memory is still alive for me in her wonderful recordings. My favorite, "Listen To My Heart"! For anyone who might be interrested, I found "Listen To My Heart" at Thank you for maintianing this website. Jack

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Lydia M - 07/16/99 01:26:50
location (city/state/country): Chattanooga, TN

Well, I was drawn to this fabulous woman ever since I play her role (Star-to-Be in Annie). She just struck me as a person having on heck of a voice. I just hope to one day be a great as her and to touch as many people as she has appeared to touch.

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Tom Molinaro - 07/11/99 04:02:36
location (city/state/country): Staten Island, NY, USA

I saw Laurie on television and heard her woderful voice for the first time back in the mid-eighties. I was so moved that I immediately began to collect her music and follow her career. My wife and I scheduled a weekend trip to Philadelphia to see her pe form in "Joseph" at the Walnut Street Theater. During that performance, my wife became almost as mesmerized by Laurie's voice as I had become. About a year later, probably around 1989, we went to see Laurie at a Manhattan nightclub. Although I can't recall the name of the club, I'll never forget the evening. After the show, we got to meet Laurie. She was as gracious and charming off the stage as she had been on it. Years later I was very saddened to hear that she had become seriously ill, fighting a courageous battle against cancer. I prayed for her and hoped for the best. Afterwards, I saw Laurie intervied by Father Tom on his daily show on WLIG. Despite her illness, Laurie maintained a wonderful optimistic spirit. I was very inspired by her attitude. Her death was a terrible loss to me, as it was to her family, friends and numerous fans all over the world. I listen to her music often, where she'll be alive forever. May her spirit reign in our hearts and serve to inspire.

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Glenn Kaufhold - 07/02/99 01:47:29
location (city/state/country): Boston/MA

I first saw Laurie in the original Broadway cast of Joseph and was mesmorized. My friend and I were sitting on the aisle in the orchestra section. During the finale, when the cast came up the aisle, we were on Laurie's aisle. My friend could not believ the look in my eyes. I was hooked! She has become one of my favorite vocalists. I did not hear about her passing right away. I was in Tower Records in Boston with a friend. We were planning a fundraising event and thinking about Broadway stars we could have perform. I mentioned Laurie nd he said, "Oh, I think she died recently." I was stunned. I'm glad this site is here so that her fans can pay tribute.

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Barbara K - 07/01/99 06:24:14
location (city/state/country): Shawnee, KS

I fell in love with Laurie's voice after seeing her perform on the Rosie O'Donnell Show. Now I am very sad after finding out she passed away last year. I had no idea until I started looking for information about her online. What a wonderful talent! I m so glad that I became acquainted with her work. You will be missed, Laurie!

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JON SOUTH - 06/30/99 17:01:34
location (city/state/country): Albany, NY

Laurie's voice reaches down and touches everyone who hears it still. Thank you for the glorious music, Laurie... Love Always, Jon

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John Poinsett - 06/23/99 03:37:41
location (city/state/country): Milford/DE/USA

How wonderful that you've established this website in Laurie's memmory ... may it live forever.

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James Wallace - 06/21/99 17:43:43

I'll never forget her performances that I saw.

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john trial - 06/12/99 20:13:50
location (city/state/country): westnewton MA UNITED STATES

i think she did alot and worked really hard

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Paul Riner - 06/09/99 23:08:45
location (city/state/country): Virginia Beach, VA

I am specificaly looking for some info on cats:the broadway show. the page is still nice though.

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ann hazard - 05/26/99 16:21:48
location (city/state/country): Potomac, MD

Sadly, I discovered Laurie's CDs only after her passing, and very sorry I didn't know of her exraordinary talent earlier. Her voice was truly remarkable, and from all I've read on this site, she was also someone I wish I'd known personally. Sad loss.

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charles evans - 05/19/99 23:47:27
location (city/state/country): san francisco

I wasn't aware Laurie had passed till I read about a tribute to her - what a loss! Just like Nancy La Mott's loss. Their talent will last for all time

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Rene Zeivel - 05/16/99 17:53:22
My Email:rzeivel061
location (city/state/country): Chicago, IL USA

We will truly miss you're voice! Looking forward to checking out more web sites reguarding Laurie.

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Don Collester - 04/27/99 01:34:03
location (city/state/country): Mendham,New Jersey


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Kimberly Godfrey - 04/26/99 01:21:52
location (city/state/country): Perry, Ohio- USA

Hello, my name is Kim and I am doing a career unit in school. We are expected to find a career that we would like to take part in after we graduate (I am in 7th grade)My choice for a career is a singing actress on broadway. Your web page is very helpful w th most of the information that I need, but the only thing is that I am supposed to come up with how much money an actress can earn. I am not trying to be rude and ask you what you make but could you give me a figure as to what a young performer might mak in a role such as a chorus member or a swing and could you tell me also what someone would make in a principle part... like yourself-again I am NOT trying to be rude. If you could help me out I would appriciate it! Thank you for your webpage! And also ju t- Thank you!

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Brad Loekle - 04/17/99 00:37:42
location (city/state/country): Philadelphia, PA

I was recently given the honor of being the 1st ever recipient of the Laurie Beechman Memorial Award (which was created by her family for the musical theater dept. at the University of the Arts). I have always been a great fan of Laurie's work. And, it is a truly humbling honor to even have my name mentioned in the same breath as hers. Yet, even more touching than this honor, has been the opportunity to meet and speak with Laurie's mother and one of her sisters. It is from them that I have seen first hand he stock from which this wonderful woman came. So, now I have the amazing priviledge of being a fan of both her work and her soul. Laurie, you were more than wonderful performer; you were a wonderful person... and that means so much more in the end. It is a honor to follow in your footsteps and I will do my best to live up to the standard that your life has set. Your work and yo r love will not soon be forgotten...

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Brian DeBrosse - 04/14/99 20:31:05
location (city/state/country): Middletown, OH USA

Hey, I am going to see "Cats" soon and I just wanted to say that I love Laurie Beeechman!!!!!

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Dara Stewart - 04/13/99 07:01:27
location (city/state/country): Studio City, CA

Last night I had a dream that Laurie Beechman had passed away. When I had awoken, I ran to my computer to see if there was a website on her or some infomation on her to see if it was true. I am a singer/songwriter myself and was inspired by Laurie early n my career. I used to sing at a club called "Good Times" in NYC where Laurie used to sing. I remember hearing her there for the first time and from then on I knew I had truly experienced someone special. I would see her picture hanging on the wall there nd it was a constant reminder for me of all that I aspired to. From then on, I followed her career very closely. I remember running into her at an audition and introducing myself right after she came off of her tour with her rock record and remembered th t she told me how important it was to always sing songs that you love. After that, her music took on a different direction. I had seen her cabaret act and followed her career on Broadway up until I moved to Los Angeles. I had met and worked with many of he same people as she did over the years. Her amazing voice was always an inspiration to me and I was so saddened to find when I woke this morning that she had died a year ago. Although she really didn't know me, I felt a tremendous connection to her thro gh her music. Experiencing Laurie's tremendous talent, contributed greatly to finding my own voice. She has always held a special place in my heart. When I would think of the greatest voices I had ever experienced in my life, I would think of Laurie. I m so sad today to know that a bright and beautiful light has left us here on earth. Thanks Laurie for adding so much to my life.

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Carl Chater - 04/12/99 20:05:11
location (city/state/country): Toronto, Canada

I was in shock when I heard on the Rosie show that Laurie had passed away. I never discovered her till she was on the show and I immediately fell in love with her. I have played her CD's for my friends who have gone out and bought them as well. Unfortun tely "Listen To My Heart" is not available in Canada. It is the only one I don't have. She will be sadly missed but always singing in my heart.

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Claudia - 04/04/99 20:21:47
location (city/state/country): Elkins Park, Pa

Dear Sister, We all miss you so much "I See Your Face Before Me" every day, but especially today, on your birthday.

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jbs - 04/04/99 15:58:28

On your birthday, Laur, we celebrate your shining star. With infinite love, now and forever xxoo Your "baby" sister, Janie Pooh

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SUSAN & JACK - 04/04/99 05:26:33
location (city/state/country): Elmsford

To our dearest Laurie, Happy Birthday in heaven. It has been a very long sad year. Keep speaking to us through your songs. With Love Sue, Jack & the Girls

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Judy Goldenberg - 04/04/99 02:08:33
My Email:stephen
location (city/state/country): Los Angeles,Ca.


For Laurie
On the day you were born
God paused to rejoice
Then said from above
Here is the voice
To move us, and bring us
True moments of pleasure
Through the voice of an angel
Whom we'll always treasure.
And think of with love, joy and
sweet glory
When we remember the beauty
Of our dearest Laurie

Remembering Laurie Hope Beechman today and every day.

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- 04/03/99 18:26:45

CELESTIAL REGISTRY STAR PERFORMER Be it know by all who read this proclamation that the star located in the Constellation Bootes, at the approximate coordinates 14th .5m 15.4 degrees has been duly certified, registered and redesignated as "Laurie Hope Beechman" In Loving Memory April 4th ,1953 Remembering the Greatest Star on her Birthday At the request of Sue & Jack, Judy & Michelle Your Eternal Fan Club Further witnessed on this date by the seal and Officials of the Celestial Registry Chartered in the United States of America Doc# 990325-7231-14 CPF

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Thomas Gallowitz - 04/02/99 18:52:25
location (city/state/country): West Chester, P.a., U.S.

I have the Annie Orginal Broadway cast CD and whenever I listen to a song Luarie's on especially Tomorrow (reprise) I feel sad because there was no Tomorrow for Luarie

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Elizabeth Worboys - 03/24/99 03:34:05
location (city/state/country): South Hadley, MA

I was lucky enough to see Laurie Beechman perform in Cats on Broadway and I was touched by her performance. Her Andrew Lloyd Webber album is wonderful.

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anthony dae - 03/16/99 04:48:49
location (city/state/country): myrtle beach, SC

thank you for ths wonderful tribute to Laurie. she is such an inspiration to all of we fellow singers. i'm currently usig two of Lanny's arragements, with his kind permission, "someday" and "go bless us everyone" in my cabaret: "Open Your Heart: songs of inspiration from B'way & Hollywood. these are my tribute to Laurie, and I remember to thank her whenev r I perform them, and I know she is guiding me through. tony d

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anthony ale - 03/16/99 04:15:22
location (city/state/country): currently: Myrtle Beach,SC

I'm one of the lucky ones: i saw Laurie's NYC debut in ANNIE. since then i have acquired all of her albums, and listen to them with my heart. i go sailing, well, shiver me timbers, whenever her voice soars. I know that Laurie will always be remembered by we chosen few- - there but for her go we. td

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Russ Edwards - 03/16/99 01:48:11

I went to the same High School in NJ as Laurie (Haddon Township H.S. in Westmont) and remember her being in the musicals. My brother and sister knew her. They were both in music, too. Sorry she is gone. I heard her once on the Tom Snyder show and was mazed at how great she was. I am glad she did what she wanted to do with her life. Russ Edwards

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Holly Allee - 03/15/99 21:48:25

She had an incredible voice. The music world is not complete without her.

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sonia dwelley - 03/14/99 07:01:43
location (city/state/country): monroe nc 28110

we took our wonderful 7 year old daughter to cats when we were visiting myrtle beach. she has fallin in love with your show. your preformances are exquisit. the costumes, music and lighting was awesome. we bought the tape for Jordan and she knows every so g and has almost learnd every dance. we were so lucky to get such good seats the lighting and the music was great. jordan alexis dwelley 7 yrs.

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Kathy - 03/09/99 04:58:56
location (city/state/country): Campbell, CA

While watching the Andrew Lloyd Webber tribute last night, and listening to all the beautiful voices singing his songs, I couldn' t help thinking how sad it was that the best of all was missing. Nothing compares to Laurie singing "Love Changes Everything . My favorite gift to give is a Laurie Beechman CD - I always know a new fan is about to be born!

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Pamela Durban - 03/09/99 04:30:37
location (city/state/country): Georgia

Well, it's exactly one year to the day since Laurie died and I still think about her all of the time. Whenever I listen to her cd "No one Is Alone" I still get sad, yet happy too. I'm glad that she had such a positive outlook on life, and some of that e ergy transfers to me each time I listen to it. I just wanted to come and say that I think she's still one of the best!! Avec tout mon coeur, Pamela

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Susan & Jack - 03/08/99 16:21:38
location (city/state/country): elmsford

Think back 1 year ago. What where you doing? It was a Sunday and it was cold as it is today. We were home thinking about how sick Laurie really was and we were wondering if she would make it to Monday. Monday was important because I was going to visit er. Well she did mot make it. We got the call at 9:30 that said "she is gone". What terrible words. Take a moment today to think about Laurie and smile knowing that she is with God and they are thinking about us. We miss you with all of our hearts. odspeed Laurie. You are not alone. Love Sue & Jack

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Robert Klaus - 03/08/99 14:00:41
location (city/state/country): Comfort, Texas

Listening to her CDs as I mark the anniversary of her passing, leaving sadness in my heart but joy also for having found her music. I shall always treasure it. Sleep with angels, Laurie.

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Ina Burwasser - 03/08/99 12:25:41
location (city/state/country): Elkins Park, PA

Laurie, I can't believe it has been a year since you died. My memories of you are still strong as you touched my very soul not just with your soaring voice but with your determined courage. Laurie we all still remember you by your albums, your majestic pe formances but most of all by your humanity. I love you Laurie and I always will!!!!!! You will be alive in my heart forever. Ina

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Faith Burwasser - 03/08/99 07:02:40

I can't believe it's been a year...

Laurie, I hope somewhere, you are looking down and that you are touched by the effort I've put into maintaining this site, as well as by all the love that has been expressed here. (although I bet you are also shaking your head wondering why I am spending so much time on this!) And I hope you are proud of all that I have accomplished- and know that I thank you all the time for the inspiration you have given me... in everything.

I hope everyone reading this appreciates the redesign of the site as well, and will continue to share their memories of Laurie. The reason I believe this site is so wonderful and so worth maintaining is chiefly because of what I've seen expressed in the uestbooks. Thank you all for all you've shared and all you've given to me, the webmaster.

-Faith L. Burwasser

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