The Laurie Beechman Website
  Guestbook Volume 4
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During the whole time I have had cancer, I have fallen in love, gotten married, appeared on Broadway, done concerts and recorded three albums. My life didn't stop. I'm doing better work than I ever did.

-Laurie Beechman as quoted in The New York Times, 4/28/96

Take your time browsing the 4 guestbook volumes which are filled with wonderful memories of Laurie Beechman and her work. Before you leave, please be sure to take a moment to sign and add your voice to this site.

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August 2, 2016 5:20 AM
Ben Kaplan from Charlottesville, VA. USA
I am signing this wonderful guestbook in my mom Elizabeth Isley's name and mine too, for the both of us have always been

Very beautiful, lovely, and wonderful inspirations and idols of Laurie Beechman for she touched, so many
Wonderful lives with her big heart, love, and soul that it has been music to our ears, mind, soul, and peace
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April 5, 2016 1:46 AM
B from NJ
Happy Birthday Sweeetheart...Miss you so much every day...Love you
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April 4, 2016 11:49 PM
Jane beechman-segal from Elkins park pa
Happy birthday penny face..I miss my sis xxoo
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February 1, 2016 1:51 AM
Nicole De Sapio from
For what seems like forever I have known Laurie Beechman's voice from the original Broadway cast recording of ANNIE; I just didn't know the name "Laurie Beechman." Her first-class Broadway voice certainly brought a great deal to "NYC." May she rest in peace.
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January 5, 2016 1:01 AM
Nicole De Sapio from Alexandria, VA USA
Dear Ms. Beechman, I know you only from your relatively brief performance on the original Broadway cast recording of ANNIE -- but what a performance! With your incredible voice, you truly made an impression in that "NYC" number. I am very sorry you had to leave us so soon. God bless you.
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January 1, 2016 11:55 PM
Bill Mondora from Playa Vista, CA
Just listened to Laurie sing "Home" on the DRG Great Cabaret Performances cd. Beautiful. Thanks, Laurie.
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December 24, 2015 4:53 PM
David from NYC
She was an amazing talent!
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December 10, 2015 10:57 PM
Tim McCreary from plano tx
Every time I listen to I Thank You For Your Love it brings me to tears. Is there a sweeter song and could it be sung any more sweetly and sincerely? Didn't know about her career and untimely passing until recently, but she will live in my memory as a voice like an angel. She has left us such extraordinary gifts. This is a wonderful tribute to a wonderful life.
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November 12, 2015 9:27 AM
Maria Ottavia from NYC, NY
Fans of Laurie Beechman
Please mark your calendar:
Come celebrate the music career of the late great Laurie Beechman.

Sunday , November 29 (4:00pm)
Joseph Macchia and the Metropolitan Room present the next installment of the 'Gone Too Soon' Series.
A tribute to Broadway legend

Special Holiday cover Charge: $10.00 (Plus 2 Beverage Minimum)

Cast list:
Jamie Hartman; Hanah Burke;
Maria Ottavia; Michael Osso;
Lisa Yaeger; Jerry Phelps;
Brent Lomas and Alison Nusbaum

Producer/Director: Josephscchia
Music Director: Yasuhiko Fukuhoka
Metropolitan Room, 34 W22 Street, NYC reserve on line or call: 212-226-0440

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November 1, 2015 11:51 PM
Nigel jones from California
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June 23, 2015 9:35 PM
Carla Negri from
I recently found the Songs of Hope album, and have been learning the arrangements, and have read a lot about Laurie and her legacy...I love singing with her, and feel as though I am channeling her spirit as I sing..
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May 4, 2015 4:23 AM
judy Randolph Goldenberg from T.O. California
Darling Laurie,
Sorry to be late with your birthdsy
Wishes. Think of you always, with love and admiration... You will always be "one of a kind". Love you always
Judy G.
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April 13, 2015 2:29 AM
Nell from
I first discoverd Laurie Beechman though a recording of the Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Tony awards performance. I looked her up online and was very sorry to see that she had passed away. I ordered her "No One is Alone" album and enjoyed it immensely. A year or so later my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer - I listened to this album over and over and took great comfort in it, most especially in "You'll Never Walk Alone" throughout that journey. My mother has been cancer free for 7 years now and I've been meaning to share with Laurie's friends and family how much comfort her work still brings to so many, myself especially.
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April 5, 2015 12:53 AM
B from NJ
Happy Birthday my TL...I still think about most every day...LY still after all of this time...Miss you so much...I sit here and listen yo you sing I have to fight back the tears...Love you sweet lady...Always will...B from NJ
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March 8, 2015 5:49 PM
janie from Elkins Park
Hey hon,
Family dinner tonight in your honor..Ma still finds joy in your voice everyday and it's a wonder to behold. Love you to the moon, big sis and miss you beyond xxoo
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February 13, 2015 12:55 AM
John Swasey from Houston/Texas/USA
As I sit here listening to Joseph sound track I am sad of Laurie's passing, even though it was a while ago. In 1982 I saw JATATDC with my parents. First time to New York and Broadway. I was blown away by the show and in particular by Laurie's performance. It was that night that night that I decided to become an actor. I have only been back to NY once just recently but I am an actor. It is because of that night watching Laurie and company. Being a 15 year old boy at the time, I must say that I also fell in love with Laurie. I forced my parents to buy the soundtrack that night and wore it out. Anyway I just wanted to let you know that Laurie had a profound effect on my life. God Bless her! Best John Swasey
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April 4, 2014 9:41 PM
B from NJ
Happy birthday my TL....Like always still missing you so much....i hold back the tears when I LIsten to your heart...Just wanted to talk to you my special always...LY....MY
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September 21, 2013 6:38 PM
Michael Earl from Sherman Oaks, CA
I first encountered Laurie Beechman in the off-b'way production of Joseph. I was enthralled by her singing voice and stage presence. I told all my friends to see the show. Later when it moved to b'way, I saw it a few more times. She was truly unique and supremely talented!
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September 15, 2013 12:12 PM
Marilyn Cummins from Columbia, MO USA
I'm sitting here in tears as I listen to my CD of Listen to My Heart. Just unpacked it after not being able to find it for several years. So glad to find this website to read as I listen. A friend introduced me to Laurie's angelic voice when I lived in the Philly area in the late '80s, early '90s. I was fortunate to see her as The Narrator at the Walnut Street Theater, and now I realize I saw her in Cats in NYC when I took my parents to see their first-ever Broadway show. What a talent and special spirit, who has found a home in my heart all these many years. Thank you, Laurie.
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May 7, 2013 9:24 PM
Deb Nowlin from
My Darling Laurie:
How many days and nights did we hunker together? Talking,singing(i out of key, of course)and just looking at what would have been distant rainbows clearing our already mutual dreams. I miss you terribly to this day and at 60+ we would have rocked. Love ya girl. Deborah
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April 10, 2013 5:43 AM
El Senatore from
She was truly the most unbelievable talent and the most wonderful person. I miss her every day, I would say she was taken too soon but I know she was just an angel on this earth and that she was needed back in heaven. I love you Laurie.
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April 4, 2013 9:41 PM
B from NJ
Laurie...I have loved you forever...God surely has my special angel...Happy Birthday my TL....You will forever be in my heart sweet lady...B
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April 4, 2013 1:33 PM
Judy G. from Los Angeles Ca.
Remembering Laurie,with love on her birthday.Your beauty,your gifts,your inspiration live on. Rest well darling girl. Judy G.
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April 4, 2013 1:32 PM
Claudia Beechman from Glenside, PA
Today would have been your sixtieth birthday. Your spirit continues to guide me. Love... your Claud
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April 4, 2013 11:37 AM
Jim Smith from Brooklyn, NY
Thinking of you today as I do every day. What a void you've left, but how grateful I am that you were here at all.
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