The Laurie Beechman Website
  solo albums   |   cast & studio recordings   |   out of print LP's

I know it sounds trite, but I'm more connected to my feelings. After all, over the past few years, I've had an in-your-face existence. There's less artifice in what I do and I can bring myself to the work more totally--not as an escape--but as an affirmation of being alive!

-Laurie Beechman, as quoted in TheaterWeek, 1995

solo albums
Click on a solo album for more information
Listen To My Heart cover
Time Between The Time cover
The Andrew Lloyd Webber Album cover
Noone is Alone cover
Listen to my Heart Time Between the Time The Andrew Lloyd Webber Album No One Is Alone
(Excelsior LB CD001; DRG 5216)
1990 solo album which is currently out of print. .
(DRG 5230)
1993 solo album.
(Varese/ Sarabande VSD- 5583/ Fynsworth Alley)
1995 solo album.
(Varese Sarabande VSD-5623/ Fynsworth Alley)
Songs of Hope and Inspiration from Broadway, 1996

cast & studio recordings
Annie cover
Joseph... cover
Hair cover
Lunch Album cover
Annie Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Hair The Stars Sing Lunch
Original Broadway cast
(Columbia records, 1977)
Laurie is in the ensemble and can be heard in: "We'd Like to Thank You", and "Tomorrow (Reprise)" But her most memorable role was as the Star-to-Be in "N.Y.C."
Original Broadway Cast
(Chrysalis, 1982)
Laurie's wonderful, Tony-nominated performance as the Narrator is captured on this enjoyable recording. Also features Bill Hutton as Joseph.
original film soundtrack (and videotape) on the song, "Black Boys" (DRG 12610)
1994 concept album on which Laurie sings a lovely ballad, "I Never Danced With You". Also features Davis Gaines, Faith Prince, Carol Burnett and more. Originally released on an independent label, "Lunch" is now widely available on DRG records.
Unsung Irving Berlin cover
Incurably Romantic cover
A Broadway Christmas cover
Sam Harris- Standard Time cover
Unsung Irving Berlin Incurably Romantic A Broadway Christmas Sam Harris- Standard Time
(Varese/ Sarabande)
a 2CD collection of lesser known songs by Irving Berlin. Laurie sings "You're a Sentimental Guy". Other performers include: Liz Callaway, Davis Gaines, Greg Jbara, and Crista Moore.
(OC 9619, 1996)
This collection of songs with lyrics by Martin Charnin features Laurie's rendition of "It's All So Simple" (formerly titled "Everything Needs Something") that was originally released on Martin Charnin's Mini Album in 1977 (see below). For this recording, Laurie's original vocal track was remixed with a new orchestration. Other singers featured on this album include Andrea McArdle, Christy Baron, Andrea Marcovicci and Barbara Walsh.
(Varese/ Sarabande, 1994)
studio recording of Christmas themed songs from Broadway shows. Laurie sings "I Thank You For Your Love" from Schmidt/ Jones' The Mummers Play.
(Finer Arts Records FA9719)
The 1997 re-release of this Sam Harris album contains a duet with Laurie Beechman, "That's All", which was one of the songs the duo sang at their award winning 1996 engagement at Rainbow and Stars. (Please note that this track is not available on the previous release)
  • Listen to a clip at
  • Listen to a clip at
  • A sound clip of this duet is found on the offical Sam Harris website

out of print LP's
  • Martin Charnin's Mini Album: "5 Great Songs from Not-so-great Shows"
    out of print- from approximately 1977
    Laurie sings "Everything Needs Something" from La Strada and duets with Robert Guillaume on "I Could Be Good For You" from Softly. You can check Footlights for this record, though it is quite hard to find. The former song can also be heard on the CD Incurably Romantic (see above).
Martin Charnin's Mini Album cover
"Bruce (Yeko) and I see hundreds of singers each year, going off. . . in search of talent, and believe Laurie is a major musical star to be."
(-Martin Charnin, liner notes)

  • Cy Coleman The Party's On Me
    (RCA, 1976)
    This out of print album features jazz versions of Cy Coleman songs. They are mostly instrumental, with assorted background vocals. I can't pick out Laurie's voice (or for that matter, any particular voices), but she is one of 5 credited vocalists. This album was often listed in Laurie's playbill bios.
  • After the Fall
    Out of print single on the Epic label
    The song is a fairly typical late 70's/ early 80's disco-type song, and the single features both a long and a short version. I personally think that Laurie rises above the material and makes a mediocre song more interesting.
  • Laurie and the Sighs
    1980 pop/ rock LP
    This recording is a fun listen, but not very representative of Laurie's career. This record is also out of print, but copies can often be found at Footlight Records.
Laurie and the Sighs
No One is Alone The ALW Album Time Between the Time Listen to My Heart
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